Home  > Mini- Study Part II- The Relationship between Social Media Usage and GPA among High School Students of St. Lauren High School

Mini- Study Part II- The Relationship between Social Media Usage and GPA among High School Students of St. Lauren High School

Mini- Study Part II

Answer the questions below about your data adhering to the outlined criteria in complete sentences. Cite any outside sources that are used.

Item Description
1 Treat your data just as you would one of the datasets from the homework. Be sure you include appropriate measures of central tendency and dispersion etc.
2 Construct a frequency distribution using 5 -8 classes.
3 Create 2 different but appropriate visual representations of your data (pie chart, bar graph, etc). You MUST use Excel to do this.
4 Complete the calculations for the 8 statistics you identified in your worksheet in week 3. You MUST use Excel to do this.
5 Write a brief paragraph describing the meaning or interpretation for EACH of the statistics. For example, if some of the statistics chosen were the mean, median and mode, which is the best measure?
6 Construct a 95% Confidence Interval to estimate the population mean/proportion in the claim.
7 Complete the calculations for the 8 statistics you identified in your What can you conclude from this result regarding the topic?
8 Write up the responses to these questions in an APA paper between 500-1,000 words.


Topic used below.

1. The topic choosen for the study is " The relationship between hours spent in social media such as instagram, facebook and GPA scored by high school students of ST. Lauren high school.

So, The formulated research question is : Is there any relationship between hours spent in social media such as instagram, facebook and GPA scored by high school students of ST. Lauren high school.

2. Population refers to the the pool of individuals or members from where sample is drawn for a study.It is basically every individual of the group.Here, we are interested find about high school students of ST. Lauren high school.So, our target population is the high school students of ST. Lauren high school.

3. Questions asked will be:

  1. GPA scored by student in the last evaluation test : This is one of the most important question as we are to study relationship of GPA VS Hours spent in social media.
  2. Approximate hours spent in social media : This is another most important question as we are to study relationship of GPA VS Hours spent in social media.
  3. Preffered social media ( options will be given to choose such as Facebook, Instagram, chatrooms and others(if there is any other media that students would like to mention)) : This question is included to gather data to find out which is the social networking site where students are spending most time . we have listed a few common sites and another option " other" is given which if selected would provide the student space to write the name of the sites not mentioned in options.
  4. Age of the student : we can figure out what age groups they belong to and whats the corresponding hours in social media as well as performance wrt age.
  5. In which standard the student is enrolled in : we can evaluate how a particular class has performed and their corresponding social media usage.
  6. gender : we can see effects in different gender

4, variables are as follows :

variable type
GPA discrete
Hours spent in social networking sites discrete
preferred social media categorial
Age discrete
standard enrolled in categorial
gender nominal

5. we can post the study to schools information board and website , we can use questionnaires and surveys to reach the student. An online poll via social media group or facebook groups of student can also be used to reach the target population.

6. We can use questionnaires, polls, survey, google forms etc to collect data.

7. firstly , we can use stratified sampling based on criterias such as age and gender and based on the overall proportions of the population we can calculate how many people to be sampled from each subgroups.

we can use simple random sampling which is chance based and every student has equal chance of being selected. for randomness we can use random number generator and assign numbers to each students or we can select students random or we can decide any random games such as picking chits from a bowl etc to ensure that every student has equal probability of being included.

8. Two most appropriate graphs are :

  • scatter plots which is a 2D or 3D plot that shows the joint variation of two or three variables from a group of observations. we can use two variables or 3 variables like age , hour spent and gpa together and genertate the plot or we can see variation of age with respect to GPA.
  • pie chart and bar graphs can also be used to ensure proper representation of categorial data as well as to find relative contribution of each individual or group.

9. appropriate descriptive statistics are:

  • Mean = we can find average hours spent in social media or average GPA of students.
  • mode= the the single score that occurs most often in the data.
  • median= we can find mid point of GPA using this
  • dispersion= It describes the spread of the data values in a given dataset and we can see effect of outliers.
  • range= age range can be found out a well as hours spent on social sites as well as range of GPA etc
  • standard deviation= variation from mean can be checked.
  • correlation coefficient= relationship between age and GPA, relationship between hours of watching and GPA scored etc can be established and the direction and strength of association can also be found out.

      . Quartiles = measure of position can be checked using this.

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