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School Health and STDs


Discussion: School Health and STDs

  1. What is School Health
  2. What is sexual health education?
  3. What is STDs


What is School Health

School Health is the comprehensive efforts of developing, implementing, and evaluating services, both within the school and the community, that provide each and every student with the resources needed to thrive within a healthful environment. School health services include, but are not limited to: Nursing and Other Health Services; Health Education; Physical Education; Counseling, Psychological, and Social Services; Nutrition and Appealing School Lunches. School-based sexual health education has the potential to provide an inclusive and comprehensive approach to promoting sexual health among young people

What is sexual health education?

Quality sexual health education (SHE) provides students with the knowledge and skills to help them be healthy and avoid human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), sexually transmitted diseases (STD), and unintended pregnancy. A SHE curriculum includes medically accurate, developmentally appropriate, and culturally relevant content and skills that target key behavioral outcomes and promote healthy sexual development. The curriculum is age-appropriate and planned across grade levels to provide information about health risk behaviors and experiences. Sexual health education should be consistent with scientific research and best practices; reflect the diversity of student experiences and identities; and align with school, family, and community priorities.





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