As of Week 5 and now going into Week 6 a problem/topic should have been chosen, whatever topic. In the Excel sheet labeled Problem Set #2 (Week 5 was Problem Sheet #1) Crimes rates are already chosen for you as an example. SO THE CLASS MUST CHOOSE ANOTHER TOPIC.
You examples should be on whatever, homelessness, immigration, covid, use of force cases, abortion rates by cities, electr
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As of Week 5 and now going into Week 6 a problem/topic should have been chosen, whatever topic. In the Excel sheet labeled Problem Set #2 (Week 5 was Problem Sheet #1) Crimes rates are already chosen for you as an example. SO THE CLASS MUST CHOOSE ANOTHER TOPIC.
You examples should be on whatever, homelessness, immigration, covid, use of force cases, abortion rates by cities, electronic tolls vs. cash tolls, etc. The instructions in your Course Materials and in your Syllabus has been giving trouble to some so this should be helpful.
Crimes Rates as an example are from 2000-2011 based on the 9 UCR (Uniform Crime Report Index Crimes) which are: Murder, Homicide, Assaults, Rape, Robbery, Burglary, Arson, Grand Theft and Grand Theft Auto.
Instructions: Once you have chosen your topic, you must do some research on that topic. Then go to an Excel and setup your cells as to dates or subject matter. (In the Crimes statistics example the top column had it by topic Murder, homicide etc. and on the left side Excel it was by dates or vice or verse, you decide).
So for Week 5 was to show your topic and create least certain amount of data such as in years. Choose 5 different years of a specific topic. If you choose homelessness of a city one can show years of it from 2015-2020.
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