All study resources > troduction to Correctional Studies Masterworks. 1. Introduction to Gustave de Baumont and Alexis de (Other Specialties)

troduction to Correctional Studies Masterworks. 1. Introduction to Gustave de Baumont and Alexis de

Required Text MUST HAVE – R. Panzarella and D. Vona. (2013). Criminal justice masterworks: A history of ideas about crime, law, police and corrections, Revised Printing. Durham: Carolina Academic Press. ISBN 978-1-61163-4129.  SUMMARIZE CHAPTER IN MORE THAN 10 SENTENCES troduction to Correctional Studies Masterworks. 1. Introduction to Gustave de Baumont and Alexis de Tocqueville. On ...[Show More]

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Subject: Other Specialties
Number of pages: 1
Language: English
Last Update: 3 years ago

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