Home  > Obstacles to economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during Napoleon s rule

Obstacles to economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during Napoleon s rule


  1. Which conditions were viewed as obstacles to economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during Napoleon s rule?


Conditions that were viewed as obstacles to economic exchange and growth by the new commercial classes during Napoleon s rule

  • The absence of freedom of markets.
  • State-imposed restriction on movement of goods and capital.
  • Time-consuming calculations resulting from a difference in currency weight and measurement.
  • The first half of the 19th century had low explosive population growth.
  • Increase in unemployment crisis due to enormous increase in population all over Europe.
  • Small producers faced stiff competition from import of cheap machine-made goods where production was earned out mainly in homes or small workshop
  • Peasants struggled under the burden of feudal dues.



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