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The impact of social media on contemporary business communication

Discussion: The impact of social media on contemporary business communication


Impact of Social Media on Business Communication

Social media has a long lasting and indefinite impact on the business communication as mentioned below:

  1. The world has got closer and the business can address the international and global issues at much faster pace and positioning.
  2. The use of internet has increased while communication.
  3. The business can expand its customer base by posting deals, offers, product or service attributes, new product or service launch at its social networking account without incurring any cost thereof.
  4. The business communication gets faster with just few clicks.
  5. One can attend or start meeting from any part of the world and without any time or working hour’s constraints.
  6. The business can address the queries and solve the customer problems in just few seconds, thus maintaining good relationships with the customers.
  7. The business can also start up the brand loyalty programs online through social media while asking its customers to share the products and offers with their friends while providing extra offer to its existing customers.
  8. The business can also keep a close watch on its competitors and can enhance its sales through mitigating the risks from its competitors.
  9. There are many such positive impacts of social media on business communication, but stated few for reference.




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