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Discuss the fall of the Western Roman Empire, cities in Western Europe

Discuss the fall of the Western Roman Empire, cities in Western Europe shrank dramatically and in some cases vanished altogether Fall of the Western Roman Empire:Reasons for shrinking of cities After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, cities in Western Europe shrank dramatically and in some cases vanished altogether. In the Byzantine Empire, cities also shrank, although not to the extent that they had in Western Europe. In the Muslim world, however, cities did not shrink, and indeed, cities in the Middle East and North Africa prospered in what historians often refer to as a golden age of Islam. Instructions Why might cities have shrunk drastically in Western Europe, shrank somewhat in the Byzantine Empire, but prospered and grew in the Muslim caliphates? You may also refer to the videos linked below for more information. All assignments must have your name on the front sheet and also word processed. Then print on white paper. Hand in your work in a plastic pocket. Then staple your work  in the left hand, top corner. Moreover, your font should be either Ariel, Trebuchet or Times New Roman. Use font 12 and 1.5 line spacing with a left hand margin. Provide a content page with page numbers. You must reference your sources according to Harvard Referencing where applicable, and include a reference page to identify sources you have quoted from. Also a bibliography listing all the sources you have consulted when writing your assignment. Your lecturer will give you a copy of Harvard referencing and examples of other referencing resources. To sum up, hand in the assignment on the specified date and time that was given to you by your lecturer. If you fail to do so you will fail the assignment.
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