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Management of Creativity: Design and Innovation Paper

This Design and Innovation Paper focuses on determining suitable management of creativity strategy between establishing an inbound open innovation strategy during product development or scrapping traditional product development department. Management of Creativity: Design and Innovation Paper Smethicks is a long-established manufacturer of household appliances that over the past one hundred years has delivered a range of innovative appliances that have transformed people’s lives. These innovations have been traditionally developed using dedicated internal research and development department who has had sole responsibility for identifying and developing new innovative appliances for consumer households. Smethicks now faces a big problem. It has not created and launched an innovative product in the past ten years. Unlike Smethicks’s competitors who have launched a variety of innovative products that consumers have welcomed into their houses, such as remote lighting programs to light your house when you are away, interactive and internet-connected kitchen appliances, and Smart televisions with ever-increasing picture quality. To address their inability to innovate new household appliances consumers want to purchase, Smethicks has appointed a new managing director who wants to make the organization more innovative. Management of Creativity: Design and Innovation Paper The managing director’s plan calls for one and only one of the following for implementation in Smethicks:  (A) scrapping Smethicks traditional product development department and replacing it with various types of specialist teams to encourage innovation. (B) establishing an inbound open innovation strategy during product development. You have been asked to evaluate both these options and recommend which approach is likely to make Smethicks more innovative. Your answer should clearly evaluate the pros and cons of each approach before making your justified recommendation. Assessment support – to support this assignment, the essay requirements will also be discussed during the seminar. Formative Feedback- Formative Feedback will be through an Assessment Surgery to hold after the marking process is complete. This will help students improve their performance for the assignment in Semester 2; which will also be scenario-based.  Date TBA during the Semester. Ensure to present the assignments in the following format:  A front page with identification of your student number; degree program. Accurate and properly cited referencing, using the Harvard referencing system Detailed Instructions Download | Click here to request for this assignment help
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