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Resistance of working in teams

Why do you think some people resist the idea of working in teams and how would you deal with their resistance? Provide specific examples and support your recommendations with research.


The recent increase in the use of work teams in organizations has resulted in disagreements and resistance from team members. The majority of businesses accomplish essential work through teams. The achievement of business objectives is helped by the combination of energy, expertise, and knowledge. A person must have a mindset and cultural values compatible with working in a team. In many cultures, this includes socialism and attitudes toward group decisions. Sadly, some individuals are under the impression that working in groups presents a mental and interpersonal challenge they do not wish to face. Culture and personal characteristics may be to blame. As a result, some cultures emphasize individual achievement and individualism. Based on the performance of groups they do not wish to encourage, members of this organization will undoubtedly observe a significant amount of teamwork and prize distribution.

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