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Target market report on energy drink

Prepare a Target Market Report , discuss an energy drink that uses all natural ingredients to boost energy levels and metabolism. This drink eliminates all of the harmful side effects that competitors’ products have. Target Market Report:Energy levels and metabolism prepare a Target Market Report that includes the following information: Identify the customer need(s) that the product/service addresses. This should include who the product/service is designed for, the unique features of the product/service, and who would you want your customers to be. Separate the large market you identified into smaller segments. After creating these smaller subgroups, determine which ones you believe would be the most profitable or productive to target. Then, create a profile of your target segments as described in your text. Content: In your assignment, answer all questions from the instructions. However, this does not mean that you should  prepare your paper as a series of number short answers. You are to convert the questions into a series of paragraphs that blend into a cohesive, logical series of thoughts and ideas. Generally, you can be confident that your instructor is not interested in your repeating what the “textbook” has to say. The purpose of this written assignment is for you to demonstrate what you think or conclude based on your reading and understanding of the course materials and/or research. Finally, the assignment must be double-space. using no more than a 12-point font and standard margins of no greater than 1” on all sides. An energy drink that uses all natural ingredients to boost energy levels and metabolism. This drink eliminates all of the harmful side effects that competitors’ products have. 
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