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Adult Learning Experience

Organizations typically offer many different types of learning activities designed to appeal to the wide variety of employees who may have a preferred style of learning. Reflecting on your experience with an organization in which you have worked, describe how you were trained to perform the function you perform currently or in a previous role. Indicate what you believe to be effective training strategies and those that did not help you learn your role well. Make suggestions about how improvements could be added to future training for employees in the same situation.

Describe a training event in which you were a participant.

Point out the less effective parts of the training.

Describe the effective parts of the training.

Identify at least one different activity you would have included in the training event and how it would improve the effectiveness of the event.

Use at least two quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:


Many businesses frequently offer new hires a training program to prepare them for the various responsibilities they will be expected to perform. Even though they were primarily trained to specialize in one job, newly trained members of small and developing organizations might be expected to perform various tasks. For example, I received training as a human resource manager in the marketing sector within the Starbucks Coffee organization during my training experience. I had the opportunity to socialize with a high-ranking official of the organization, one of the nation's leading producers of coffee and other goods, and investigate the organization's business environment. I held a position in the organization's human resources department for approximately three years.


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