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Macro-level intervention on a Targeted Population- Objectives and Implementation Plan

This paper entails a proposal on Macro-level intervention on a Targeted Population. The intervntion plan has objectives and impelementation plan among other sections.

Propose a macro-level intervention that will positively affect a targeted population in an organization or a community. The intervention will have a macro-practice focus and should be based on evidence-based research and best practices. The intervention can be a group, an after-school program, a series of skills training workshops for the community, etc.

You can include literature that responds to the need/problem (model programs, best practices, evaluations, policy papers, etc.). APA style is required for this assignment.

1. Introduction/Agency Background and Capability (1-1.5 pages)
In this section, you will highlight the agency’s credibility/expertise in the area covered in this paper. Credibility can be established by referring to the agency’s mission and its efforts in the problem area. Thus, you will describe the work of your agency by addressing each of the following:
Statement of the mission, goals, and philosophy of the organization. {This is for-Profit Organization}

With the input of our entire management team, we present our company Mission Statement.
We will work every day to meet its ideals and abide by its value.

”Our mission is to provide residents with exemplary service in a quality home environment, to provide employees unparalleled opportunities for personal and professional development, and to provide partners and clients with maximized real estate asset value.

To this end we will”.

 What client population(s) does the agency serve? Elderly and disable population (Include the geographic location and general demographic characteristics of the client population). What are the main programs offered by your agency?
 Describe your role as a social work intern. Do you focus on a specific client population or program? What is your personal experience at the agency and how does this experience affect your ability to engage with clients, the organization, and/or community?

2. Need or Problem Statement (3-3.5 pages)
In this section, you are identifying the macro-practice need or problem and trying to convince the reader that the problem/condition is important. What are the critical consequences of this problem? Literature from the relevant field of practice must be cited to establish the problem’s significance (e.g., if the problem has been identified as the challenges faced by the agency when transitioning to a fee-for-service program, you can include peer-reviewed literature that addresses this issue). Remember, you always want to provide support/evidence to back-up your argument/points. Sources of information can include professional journals, government reports, legitimate agency reports, and/or data sources.
Address the following:
• Target population that is affected by the problem
• Factors contributing to the problem
• Impact of the problem (what are the potential consequences if we do nothing about the problem)
• Evidence-based practices utilized for improved results (results of interventions, program evaluations, etc.)
• Describe any need for relationship-building among staff and inter-professional collaborations that can facilitate engagement with client, organization, or community and improve the problem.

3. Project Goals and Objectives (2-2.5 pages)
Using an interactive process by working with your supervisor and/or colleagues at your agency, propose an intervention that can be used to address the macro-practice problem you described above. Develop mutually-agreed upon goals and objectives based on your assessment of the strengths, needs, and challenges of the organization and community. Additionally, identify your outcomes of the proposed intervention, and select appropriate methods to be used to evaluate the outcomes. The outcomes will indicate the impact that you intend to have on the organization or community.

4. Implementation Plan (program narrative, scope, and time frames) (2-2.5 pages)
The Implementation Plan provides a clear account of what you plan to do, who will do it, and the time frames involved. It presents an action plan that indicates how the objectives will be achieved. The implementation plan should link directly to the objectives. What activities will be done to achieve the objectives? What will this program entail? How will it be organized?

 Describe the specific activities/strategies to be taken to achieve desired ends. What you plan to do and achieve has to be aligned with your description of the problem and your objectives. Please be specific – do not generalize!
 Provide sequencing and timing of the activities that will occur.
 Describe the proposed staffing needed for the project. Briefly comment on the potential costs associated with the proposed intervention.
 Describe how the proposed intervention contributes to your organization’s overall mission.
 Remember it's all in the details - state what you plan to do, who will do it, and when it will be done.

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