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Nursing leadership

r. Jean Watson (2012) found “Human caring requires high regard and reverence for a person and human life, a love of humanity, non paternalistic values related to human autonomy, inner wisdom, and freedom of choice” (p. 46). Caring Nursing leaders committed to advancing the science of human caring will lead others to adopt this philosophy. Examine Nursing Leadership through Dr. Watson’s carative factors, and processes, (Table 4-1), including the assumptions underlying nursing science (figure 2-1). How can Nurse leaders sustain human caring science for best clinical practices in the workplace?


The majority of healthcare professions are represented by nurses, according to a 2010 report. Registered nurses are represented by more than 3 million healthcare professionals in the United States. Nurses control healthcare from such a large representation. Even though there are so many nurses, there is still room for them to do more to improve the healthcare industry. The following are a few of the issues that the community discussed as potential ways to improve the healthcare industry, training on how to deal with chronic conditions, and preventing negative outcomes (Arnold & Boggs, 2015). The provision of mental health services, long-term care, and school health services are additional aspects that have the potential to enhance health care. Healthcare would be better if the nurses helped enhance the areas of interest mentioned earlier.


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