Home > Overview of the disease outbreak and the causal microbe.
First, using the information found, develop a one to two page maximum overview of the disease outbreak and the causal microbe.
Second, design a map showing the origin and spread of the infection.
Third, design a guide for communities on surveillance, control, preparedness and response to the outbreak. If this includes quarantine, describe how the community would carry this out, what resources would be needed, and what the communication protocol would be.
Presentation of your research to a WHO committee.
When attempting to study a microbe that is causing an outbreak of a disease at a specific location and time, it is important to understand the epidemiology of a disease. The CDC defines epidemiology as "the study of patterns, causes, and effects of health and disease conditions in a given population" (CDC. gov). This is an important concept to comprehend. In math skills, we can compare and contrast variables using statistical methods before making a decision. The first step of carrying out a disease outbreak experiment is to determine the experiment's hypothesis for a particular population over a specific time period. To carry out the experiment, I would need laboratory supplies, which would greatly aid in reaching a conclusion. Controlling infectious diseases and outbreaks is difficult and time-consuming. In this scenario, I would conduct an experiment with a variety of age groups of the affected, their specific location, and sufficient time to complete it. I would think about the kind of microbe or pathogen that is causing the diseases and infections, this could be a virus, a bacteria, a parasite, or something else.
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